Beta Question


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I am casually watching ebay for a better tank for my shrimp, something bigger (even though their current tank isn't too small for shrimp only).

I have noticed something... my shrimp seem to really enjoy having fish with them (I sometimes put in fry for the first couple of weeks). SO... that got me wondering... when I finally come across the right tank... would a female beta be appropriate to live with my cherry shrimp?
From what I gather females tend to be just like males, it's down to the individual personality and the only way to know for sure is to try it out :) Though having said all that I would say the chances of the shrimp becoming snacks are higher than the chances of them not.
If your shrimp are a breeding colony then you could maybe get both tanks running and perhaps try the Betta with a couple of them first? I completely understand that is probably not an option for you, just an idea.
My shrimp aren't breeding at the moment which I suspect is due to too many females and not enough males... thus I am hoping to expand. Don't really want to lose any so I think the beta idea wouldn't work out. I'm hoping to have my old shrimp tank just sitting there for quarantine rather than end up still having someone in there.

It's great to have a forum to ask so I don't have to make the mistake to find out!


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