beta fins torn and tattered


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
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I had a beautiful fighter fish that lived in a community tank. I then added 2 mollies and 2 glass fish but within days the fighters tail fins have been damaged.

I have moved the mollies but im not sure that it was them that actually damaged the fighter or if it was the glass fish?

Would glass fish attack? Would the mollies attack?

Will the fins grow back and if so how long will it take to return back to its former glory.

Very Upset beta fan
:( :sad: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
they will grow back.. but u need to treat them with betamax or melafix..

something to prevent an infection.. adding salt will be good also
and also do frequent water changes to lessin the chance of it getting worse
a lot of people put bettas with mollies and then wonder why the mollies atack the betta. mollies are semi-agressive.
yes-you need to take him out-he should not be in a community. as llama said, use betaMAX (it comes in capsules, not a bottle like the crap bettaFIX) or melafix.
hope he gets better! :)
Sometimes fish like to snack on eachothers tails lol. Can be any type of fish really.

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