Sushi, my daughters Beta has taken to acting very strange last few days, and progressivley seems to be getting worse. Sushi swims almost sideways at times, and has taken to doing lip-stands on the bottom of the tank - and will stay like that for hours.
I put up a picture of Sushi on the net. Please click here to see what I mean. The pic is just 45K.
Awwww, sounds like the little guy has a problem with his swim bladder. I've heard that it's treatable & I've heard it's untreatable--good luck with him!
yea it does sound and look like the swim bladder. that is soooo sad. That happened to my first betta and there nothing i could do about it. you could try This but i dont know if it will work. Its worth a try. good luck!
just try keeping his water extremely clean and offering something besides pellets, too much dry food is one of the main causes of swim bladder. He should make a full recovery ,unless of course he's "too far gone"
water conditions are one off the biggies that set the gasses of in the bladder there is no 100% unless the fish does it itself (which is normal). Follow my sig for dieseases