Best way...


Dog Wrangler
Feb 5, 2004
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Well, I found a deal at a thrift store on a 5.5 gallon tank and a bunch of crap (threw most of it out). I am left with the tank, a new air pump, and a thermometer (the kind I like :p ) for about $5.00. Not too bad.

Here's the question - whats the best way to get it clean and ready to go? Bleach solution and lots of rinsing? baking soda? A salt water soak? I'm looking for your experiences, good and bad.
Id Use Bleach 1:19 (1 part bleach 19 parts water) make sure its holding water and rinse extremely well and let it air out for a few days
Hi cation :)

I like to use salt on a sponge to clean the tank. If there are marks from hard water on the glass, a little white vinegar and a plastic scrubber pad will get it off. Just be sure to rinse it very well. :D
blakwidoe said:
Id Use Bleach 1:19 (1 part bleach 19 parts water) make sure its holding water and rinse extremely well and let it air out for a few days
Well, it's gotta be a 10% bleach solution - that's level the labs I've worked in have used, and I know it takes that much to kill some buggers. But, so far one vote for bleach, one vote for smart-ass. :lol:

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