Best Way To Set Up A Breeding Tank ?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 3, 2010
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i have just got a new 130liter tank and i wont to set it up as a breeding tank for corys can anyone help a pic of 1 would be great
also would it be ok to raise my guppy fry in there at the same time
Hello more experienced peeps will come along with their versions, ideas and more importantly pics but generally as a basis. You will need a layer of sand on the bottom, if this is going to be a permanent breeding tank go for ohhh half an inch? This helps to stop nasty bacteria building up on the bottom. i would install then a heater for that size tank and then have a air driven filter (try to mature it before going in )so it is cycled, makes like easier and the fry are unlikely to be sucked anywhere. Some keep theirs bare and others like to put moss balls and java moss in to give them a little comfort (plus grazing opportunities). When the adults are in there have foliage etc to help get them to lay eggs etc.

I also got confused, when the adults are in their breeding perhaps have a higher flow filter than an air driven one as they usually will lay eggs in the highest flow and oxygenated water. When the eggs have been laid and you are going to leave them in this tank then change over to air driven for the fry sake.

Of course, set up the 130 litre as breeding tank for just the parents with high filtration flow and then a separate tank to hatch and raise first stages of fry with air driven :blush: real sorry just woken up, will come back and make more sense later
I wouldn't advise raising guppy fry in the same tank if you intend on keeping cory fry in there,the cory fry will probably get eaten has the guppy fry grow alot faster.

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