Best Way To Lower Ph?


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2008
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Grand Rapids, MI
Alright so I've been keeping fish for a while now and I've always known that pH was something you should watch and understand what it does and to research what fish would do best in what pH. Also that a consistant pH no matter what it is, would be better for a fish than a frequently changing pH. Anyway to my question, I have a 65 US gal. tank, with 3 angels, 3 rummy nose tetra, a pair of german blues, 3 otos, 3 pitbull plecos, 4 skunk corys, and 2 julie corys. My 55 US gal. tank has 4 keyhole cichlids and a pair of gold rams. On both tanks the pH is running at a consistant 7.4 and I want to bring both tanks down to about a 6.8 because thats what those fish need. My kH runs at about 120 ppm, GH is 115 ppm, nitrite 0, ammonia 0, and my nitrate runs at about 8 ppm. Both my tanks have almost identical stats.

Alright so what would be the best way for me to lower the pH to around a 6.8, and keep it there without it swinging all over the place?

Oh also so you all know, I am planning on uping my rummy nose count, I had a virus go through the school a couple weeks back and my lfs hasn't gotten another shipment of them in yet.
Alright so I've been keeping fish for a while now and I've always known that pH was something you should watch and understand what it does and to research what fish would do best in what pH. Also that a consistant pH no matter what it is, would be better for a fish than a frequently changing pH. Anyway to my question, I have a 65 US gal. tank, with 3 angels, 3 rummy nose tetra, a pair of german blues, 3 otos, 3 pitbull plecos, 4 skunk corys, and 2 julie corys. My 55 US gal. tank has 4 keyhole cichlids and a pair of gold rams. On both tanks the pH is running at a consistant 7.4 and I want to bring both tanks down to about a 6.8 because thats what those fish need. My kH runs at about 120 ppm, GH is 115 ppm, nitrite 0, ammonia 0, and my nitrate runs at about 8 ppm. Both my tanks have almost identical stats.

Alright so what would be the best way for me to lower the pH to around a 6.8, and keep it there without it swinging all over the place?

Oh also so you all know, I am planning on uping my rummy nose count, I had a virus go through the school a couple weeks back and my lfs hasn't gotten another shipment of them in yet.

i wud say try filtering peat and bogwood, whatever you do dont use any chemicals

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