Best Way To Keep Diy Co2 Stable


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
I don't have a air pump for this tank and normally i have just let the CO2 run 24/7. Now i'm trying to get higher CO2 readings so i've been adding more yeast to the mixtures. I started this on sunday and my normal ph in the tank is 7.4 and i've been testing it every day and last night it was 6.8. Now my CO2 levels have doubled(about 15 to 32). Last night i dumped out some of the mixture and have been turning it off at night, but what would be the best way to keep CO2 stable cuz it looks like it's stressing the oto in the tank?
the only way to do it in a yeast type setup is to run a small airstone at night. leave the co2 kit on 24/7 or the fluctuations will be too severe to be of any use to the plants.
You can't turn a diy co2 system off, you either run an airstone or reduce the yeast in your mixture to the amount when your ottos were happy
I been unpluging the airhose at night and pluging it back in about 15 min. before the lights come on in the morning.
effectively you've been nullifying any effects the co2 might have had by adding oxygen. i'd suggest not running the two together tbh, perhaps the airstone at night to counter the co2 as plants don't photosynthesise out of light.
The air hose is for the CO2 i use 2 one liter bottles and a air bubbler cuz i can find a CO2 ladder. the bubbler is put under my filter so when the CO2 bubbles float up they get sucked into the filter and difussed into the water.
Might be easier if i could find a ladder somewhere :/

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