best way to get rid of snails

The quick and dirty sure-fire answer is: get some loaches (Clown or Yo-yo would be first choice, but there are some others with snail-exterminating pedigrees).

But depending on your tank size and bioload, that might not be possible - especially since loaches need to be placed in shoals of at least three or four. Without a "snail exterminator" in the tank, I think you're left with only a couple of options: chemicals :sick: , and removing them manually. Both methods have drawbacks.

I wouldn't advise the chemicals route, just on general principle.

As for the manual method, I think what most folks do is put a plate of blanched lettuce (or similar) on the bottom of the tank before going to bed at night, and in the morning you remove the plate and the congregation of snails on it. Repeat for as many nights as you like, or until you catch no more snails. This method is far from perfect, but it is widely thought of as the most effective and fish-safe way of ridding them without a predator.

Thanks guys for the input, I do have a skunk loach I bought a few years back fo rthat purpose but he is far to aggressive for this tank. I currently put a few guppies in there to selectively breed but they will be moved once the male does his job. I could get a small clown loach but i dont want a school of them...anyone know of any other loaches that dont get big?
Yo-yo's are generally around 2 to 2.5 inches when you get them at the LFS. They reportedly can get to around 4 inches, but I can't personally confirm that. They are much smaller than clowns, by any measure - but they still need to be kept in a minimum group of three or four.

I believe the chain loach (Botia sidthimunki) stays small, is community-friendly, and is a snail-eater, though I've never had one and am not positive. However, they are also pretty uncommon (at least in my area - I've never seen one), and are reported to be approaching extinction in the wild. If they are available, your LFS may could order some for you.

Anybody here have chain loaches?

Botia Striata (zebra loaches). I haven't seen a snail since I got them. They stay under 3".
pendragon said:
Yo-yo's are generally around 2 to 2.5 inches when you get them at the LFS. They reportedly can get to around 4 inches, but I can't personally confirm that. They are much smaller than clowns, by any measure - but they still need to be kept in a minimum group of three or four.

I believe the chain loach (Botia sidthimunki) stays small, is community-friendly, and is a snail-eater, though I've never had one and am not positive. However, they are also pretty uncommon (at least in my area - I've never seen one), and are reported to be approaching extinction in the wild. If they are available, your LFS may could order some for you.

Anybody here have chain loaches?

I will get 3 yo yos today

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