Fish Herder
I bought some plants and they have taken over. What is the best way without harming fish? thanks
I will get 3 yo yos todaypendragon said:Yo-yo's are generally around 2 to 2.5 inches when you get them at the LFS. They reportedly can get to around 4 inches, but I can't personally confirm that. They are much smaller than clowns, by any measure - but they still need to be kept in a minimum group of three or four.
I believe the chain loach (Botia sidthimunki) stays small, is community-friendly, and is a snail-eater, though I've never had one and am not positive. However, they are also pretty uncommon (at least in my area - I've never seen one), and are reported to be approaching extinction in the wild. If they are available, your LFS may could order some for you.
Anybody here have chain loaches?