Best Way To Get Into Marine Aquariums


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2006
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so i have taken all the steps towards marine.. i have owned freshwater aquariums for about 5 months and then a brackish which has been pretty easy for about 1 month and i wana stop spending my money on this little stuff and start getting into marine..

first of all how big of a cost difference is it to up keep a marine aquarium vs. a fresh or brackish aquarium. assuming there both the same size?

next is i wana get into it kinda cheap and slow at first so im thinking the best way is to get into a small nano reef 10 - 20 gallons?

could anyone give me some info to help my decision and maybe get me started?

Well the stickies atop this section are a great place to start. Nano tanks are not the easiest for a beginner, but when budgets are tight sometimes they're a good starting point. Go with a larger tank to start for sure, at least a 20g. 20 longs are great tanks to start with :). As for the money question, impossible to really compare with numbers. Marine tanks are more expensive for sure, although how much more depends on the skill of the aquarist, your ability to DIY, the livestock chosen to keep, and other factors.

Have a read through those stickies, especially the members nano tank section and get an idea for whats out there, and :hi: to nano reefs :D
thank you..

would it be better for me to just get into something like a 55 - 75 gallon tank to start. and start off with some small. cheap marine fish like goby's

my only concern is if i got into a bigger tank i would want to go with a good canister or some other type of expensive filteration. besides the hang on back penguins like i have now.
ok with the canister and hang on they are pretty much useless for marine as live rock filters for you. the only way hangons and canisters are usefull is to put some rowaphos or activated carbon in and no sponge or anything of the sort.

and if youcan start with a bigger tank will be a really good learning point, but that isnt to say jump right into it now without research. Also with a bigger tank you can get thinks like chromis, clowns, cardinals, dartfish, gobies, dwarf angels the list dos go on a bit and most of them are pretty hardy. oh and the cost is a lot different to freshwater because you know how you can sometimes get deals on FW fish like 6 for £10 ,for a group of 6 fish in marine your looking at anywhere from £30 - £60, and also if you want corals they can be from like £20 each to £100 (depending on what corals you want or can keep. Hope ive been of some help :good:
thank you.. would it be worth saving the money and just taking my puffer and putting him in my 55 gallon and using my 20 gallon tank which already has a hood,heater,ect. ready to go.. cuz that would save me a few bucks right there?
Although based on similar science, maintaining a nano reef is MUCH DIFFERENT. If you are thinking marine, a 75G or greater is the best place to start. Nano reefing is a challenge and, if you are looking at maintaining a small tank that is why you should decide to start one. I can tell you right now, the expense of a nano tank can EASILY meet or exceed that of a 75G, so, base your decision on your desires. SH

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