Best Water Testing Kits

the hagen ones are ok but hard to tell whats what, the tetra ones arnt as good, the best are supposed to be the API test kits but ive never tried one
I happen to have a bunch of kits ATM. (Hagen, Tetra, Wardley and API) I can't really say I have a preference for any of them. One general complaint I have is with pH kits, they all have seem give me the same trouble distinguishing different shades of green or blue. Wide range tests are particulary difficult for me to pin down accurately. I find the narrower the range, the easier to get a more accurate read. I have a Hagen 6.0 to 7.6 kit that seems pretty good, I'm able to distinguish right down to + or - 0.1 A while back I used all 4 pH kits I have to see if there was much difference in readings. I found no real difference.
Thanks Guys, I shall look into getting a better test kit, the one Im using at the moment from the LFS is pretty useless.

I am doing a fishless cycle, its looking very good at the moment (bearing in mind im not 100% happy with my test kits though!!)....

Almost ready for fish!!...
I've used API and got completely different results to my LFS who uses Nutrafin, so I use Nutrafin now too.

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