Best Type Of Betta?


New Member
Aug 2, 2012
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I was just wondering what is the most valuable/rare/awesome type of betta out there? Any particular colors or fin types?
A truly perfect Blue Dragon HM concerning form according to IBC standards
Why blue? I want to get the best beta possible for my new apartment don't know where to get the really nice kinds though :no:
A blue dragon is one of the most hard colors to attain IMO. It has only been accomplished a few times in the history of bettas. Also, look up the bettas4all standards so you can know a perfect HM, you won't be able to find this for sale anywhere though
I dunno why so many people are wanting the more appealing Betta's that cost almost double in price. You know even those VT Betta's need homes too :( When I got my Betta i did not care what type of Betta it was, i just wanted one that connected with me in the shop, looked healthy, and I could give a better life than in a dirty cup/bowl of less than a puddle of water. I have a regular VT Betta he is very nice red with some blue. When i brought him home he started to develop fin-rot (or already had it but got worse), i treated him and he's grown to be a very beautiful fish! Please don't skip over a Betta that is the "ideal best/better" There are many VT's that can be even better appealing to those more fancy ones that people buy just for their looks. Good Luck!




I dunno why so many people are wanting the more appealing Betta's that cost almost double in price. You know even those VT Betta's need homes too

yeah i have a blue vt in a 10 gal tank and he is the most active fun fish i've ever had. he 'surfs' in my bubble wall for hours at a time. i normally have it cranked down but when he seems bored i turn it up and he goes right in.
For me there is no "best" type of Betta, they're all individuals, & this attitude of oh a scale is missing or the tail isn't quite right is just being pedantic.
Man already messes about with all kinds of animals, often to their detriment.
Let's just enjoy our Bettas for their personalities

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