Best Test Kit


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2010
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What is the best test kit to use that's pretty cheap?
I've heard that test strips aren't great, so would a tetratest liquid ammonia and nitrite test be any good?
Also, is it nitrite or nitrate that's most poisonous?
What is the best test kit to use that's pretty cheap?
I've heard that test strips aren't great, so would a tetratest liquid ammonia and nitrite test be any good?
Also, is it nitrite or nitrate that's most poisonous?
ammonia and nitrite are the ones that need removing, nitrate is ok within reason...

API master test kits are about £17 on ebay or £30 in lfs and most use them on here. others are tetratest and saliferts
Saliferts are without a doubt the most accurate and if you're in the UK then they're £20 when bought together (approximately the same price as the API master kit which isn't as accurate or consistent.
I may go with the 6 in 1 test strips as they're only £5 and i don't need exact readings, i only need to know if the levels are getting out of hand
i would save the fiver and not bother with anything if thats the case..... a testkit is a very usefull and neede bit of equipment especially when first starting up a tank for the first time.

its not about the levels getting "out of hand" its about the ammonia and nitrite levels even existing.... with test strips that are very inaccurate you can not get a good feel for your water or filters condition
i've survived wothout test kits for 2 years... may get more expensive ones, but how long do they last?
obviously depends on how much your testing but for a 2 year old tank that should be well established and cycled/mature i guess you wont be testing that often so i would say at least a year
I bought the API Master test kit for freshwater, and according to the instructions there is enough liquid in the bottles for 800 some tests! (that's probably total and not per bottle - there are five different tests included) So that is going to last a long time for the $30 I put into it.
I may go with the 6 in 1 test strips as they're only £5 and i don't need exact readings, i only need to know if the levels are getting out of hand

Yeah but keep in mind that they cost way more per actual test. And plus you will want to know exact levels... say your ammonia is always at .25 ppm due to insufficient filtration. Been that way for years. But you don't know that because the strips give a 0 reading on ammonia. Meanwhile the fish are suffering long term exposure which is causing health problems you can't find the root of.
I just bought new test kits and have switched to Salifert, I only need Ammonia. Nitrite and Nitrate and those are the ones you want real accuracy for anyway...the pH, GH, KH tests will continue to be done once in a blue moon using the left over TetraTests I have. I am using these for tropical fish testijng not marine btw.
I've found a Laborette test for £16 which has ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, GH and CO2 tests. I'll be getting this one
I've found a Laborette test for £16 which has ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, GH and CO2 tests. I'll be getting this one

I used to use that, and will still for the pH,KH and GH tests until they're finished...mine didn't have an Ammonia test in it, are you sure you'll have that? I went and bought one for a further £ not so cheap in the end. The laborett kit tests for Nitrate, pH, KH and GH...the CO2 comes from reading a table with the KH and pH readings...not very accurate.
I've seen a number of posts over the years of people kind of struggling with the laborett tests. I really think the pecking order is Salifert, API, Nutrafin and then a gap... WD
I've seen a number of posts over the years of people kind of struggling with the laborett tests. I really think the pecking order is Salifert, API, Nutrafin and then a gap... WD

Good job I'm switching then...what were the issues with them? Inaccuracies with all the tests? Under or over on the main three?

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