Best Tank Sseparation


New Member
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
North Dakota
In my profile, i have my list- o- fish, which includes black skirts, corys, a CAE, and an ADF... I have a 5 gal and a 10 gal tank... the 5 gal has an internal filter, and my 10 gal has a power filter... i'm wondering if i should move the frog into it's own tank, so i can see it more and it's more comfortable, and my corys to the 10 gal with the tetras, but i don't think the CAE will get along with the corys... The CAE is leaving my tank soon, as it will get too big and is not compatible with my other fish...
my idea now is to put the corys and the tetras together in the 10 gal, and give the frog it's own tank, and possibly a few friends... the only thing to that is i don't know if the CAE will harm the frog or the corys if he is housed with them... he seems to have left the frog alone so far...
Any thoughts??

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