Best Tank Mates?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2009
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Im looking at getting another tank which i believe is to be around 150litres

I am wanting to get a pair of bristlenose's, what would u guys recommend as best tank mates

I was hoping to get a pair of mouthbrooders but i mean what do you guys suggest?

Thanks in advance Charlie
Im looking at getting another tank which i believe is to be around 150litres

I am wanting to get a pair of bristlenose's, what would u guys recommend as best tank mates

I was hoping to get a pair of mouthbrooders but i mean what do you guys suggest?

Thanks in advance Charlie

Hi there Charlie with a pair of Bn plecs you can have pretty much what you want with them, Mouth broaders is an option i myself have a pair of bn plecs in my 210L tank together with several lake malawi cichlids and also clown loaches.
The only thing i will say is try to choose fish that are not only compatable but live in different parts of the tank. Try to see your tank in three layers (top, middle, and bottom).
The bristle noses are predominately bottom feeders so its best to go for middle or top feeders.

Mouth broaders are usually mid/top feeders.
Yeh i understand all tht and thnx for the advice i mean atm i have a 100ltr up and running which is my main community.

I mean i was lookin at poss of a pair of mouth brooders and/or Discuss to go with them but im not sure on what species is there nething u would suggest above others?.. would my panda corys be happy enough in with the B/N aswell?

Thanx again ::)
Yeh i understand all tht and thnx for the advice i mean atm i have a 100ltr up and running which is my main community.

I mean i was lookin at poss of a pair of mouth brooders and/or Discuss to go with them but im not sure on what species is there nething u would suggest above others?.. would my panda corys be happy enough in with the B/N aswell?

Thanx again ::)

The corrys should be ok, Mouth broader wise discuss require special water conditions and weekly water changes as they are very sensitive. If its colour youre after you cant go wrong with yellow labs! or even pseudotropheus salusi which are interesting as they are all born yellow then when they reach sexuall maturity the males turn blue!!! + They dont get as big as other cichlids and they have a very mild temperment (for a cichlid).
Thanks would both these 2 species be able to be kept together aswell?

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