Best Substrate For Shrimp/community Tank?


New Member
Jan 23, 2012
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Hi everyone

I've just bought my new tank, a Juwel Rio 125. I'm planning on having a planted aquarium and want to keep shrimp and also have it as a community tank.

I've been doing a lot of research and plan on starting the shrimp up first, getting them established with plenty of places to hide and choosing their tank makes wisely.

However I am not 100% sure what kind of substrate to use for a shrimp/community tank. I really like the Dennerle Nano Shrimps Gravel Sulawesi black and Dennerle Nano DeponitMix 1kg, but it costs a lot to fill a 125 litre tank as I guess they are made for Nano cubes.*NR&c=907007&t=temartic_e

What substrate would keep the shrimp happy, as well as plants and fish?

Are there any other types of black fine gravel that anyone can recommend that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?

Would anyone recommend using a mixture of gravel? The tank will be planted but I mainly wanted the gravel to have a beach type open area for the shrimp to walk around. I could use cheaper gravel in the heavily planted area's and the more expensive black in the less planted aread.

Thanks James
Hi forgot to say

I have a LFS that has these substrates on sale for a half descent price

1)JBL AquaBasis plus
2)TetraPlant complete substrate
3)Dennerle DeponitMix Professional Gravel

Anyone recommend these

I'd lay down a base of fullers earth (great for planting). it also allows you to add shape to the tank base.
then I'd uses either sand (PLAY SAND) or fine gravel. possibly leaning towards sand more.

Thanks for the quick replies.

Think I am going for the Dennerle gravel top and JBL under for the plants.

Does anyone use undergravel, or is that a waste of money. The guy in the LFS told me to get it as improves circulation around the tank. He also advised heating cables, but I read they are a waste of money.

Any info appreciated

Thanks James

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