Best Snail For 30 Gallon


Mostly New Member
Mar 23, 2016
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Hi,I am looking for the best snail for a 30 gallon unplanted tank with no loaches. I wouldn't mind some reproduction because that's free snails. I also want it cheap.I would want a glass and gravel cleaner.My biggest fish is a banded gourami and that's not a problem in my mind.Thanks

This gourami I may remind you is 4 inches.And there are also small angels I forgot to mention. Those are the biggest.
I have Nerite snails.  They do a great job cleaning glass and work on the gravel.  They will not reproduce but they do live a long time.  My oldes snail is about 3 years old.
Assassin snails for their black and yellow color, good for eating leftover food, fish waste, and if you plan to get any plants from a LFS, any pond snails/MTS that come with it will be dealt with swiftly
I have a love for mystery snails they keep my tanks clean. Breed a lot but only a few get to junior status. I have White, Golden and Blue. The White and blue breed a lot but many of the cluches (eggs),fall down or just don't produce any life. Pond snails are gross,but free and self breed. They will multiply by the 100's in a couple months. . Merited are really pretty. I have the reddish brown with gold dots on the backs. But if you want something to breed these won't do that.

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You have to decide if you want a snail that breeds or not. There are a wide variety of beautiful snails out there. Also you need to make sure that you have snail friendly is a great place to get what you want and gives you answers to water parameters and best tank mates. They sell at a fantastic price and are excellent in customer service.

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Nerite snails lay eggs all over the place, and rotting eggs could affect water quality, then there is the feeding issue as they are fussy eaters, Quite often Nerite snails starve to death once they clean the tank of algae they eat.
Assassin snails are cool they eat left over fish food n stuff.
Mystery snails are also my favorites. Pomecea Bridgesii (sp)  will not eat healthy plant matter.
What are your water parameters? If your water is too soft snails can suffer from shell erosion.
Nerite snails lay eggs all over the place, and rotting eggs could affect water quality, then there is the feeding issue as they are fussy eaters, Quite often Nerite snails starve to death once they clean the tank of algae they eat.
All water quality isues I have had in the past were never traced to rotting snail eggs.  All of my water quality issues have been traced to insufficient nitrogen, too much or too little phosphate, and too much potassium from fertilizers.  Never seen a rotting egg.  If I get too many eggs on the glass I just pop them off wtih my finger nail and then they get vacuumed out during the next water change.  They have never been fussy eaters in my aquarium.  They will eat anything they can get in their mouth(fish food algae wafers carrots) and generally they don't climb or eat my plants.  Algae typically grows faster than the nitrites can eat it and if that is not enough they will go after left over fish food.  Since I have started keeping them in a 5 gallon I have only lost one (probably old age related).

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