best site for info


New Member
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
I`m sure u have all had a good look what are ur fav marine tank related web sites?
Dont know if I am aloud to list them on here so I will PM you

Whilst i would hope that you will find all the answers to your questions on here, the best sites around IMO are, Reefpark, Ultimate Reef and Reef Central. I only use This site and Reefpark, occasionally i use Ultimate reef.
The best place is right have large tanks, medium tanks, nano tanks...and great all around people. SH :cool:
Navarre said:
Whilst i would hope that you will find all the answers to your questions on here, the best sites around IMO are, Reefpark, Ultimate Reef and Reef Central. I only use This site and Reefpark, occasionally i use Ultimate reef.

Ah that answers my question about being aloud to name other forums then

:D :D
Whilst i named them, I hope you notice that i didnt "link" them :)
what is the diff Nav

the difference is that you must stil go out and research the link/address for yourself. :D
I would like to add Garf, Wetwebmedia, and reefs. All followed by coms or nets.
Agree, but, this is where I started..and this is like 'home'. It would be nice to build up our marine section. SH
I agree,
Whilst this is not the site i use primarily, it has grown steadily over the last 12 months or more into a really strong marine foum with lots of very responsible and friendly people who are willing to do the research when a questoin appears on the forum that they dont know th answer to. Give yourselves a thumbs up and a slap on the back for making this forum what it is today :thumbs: :kana:
The main attraction of these forums to me really is the friendliness factor.
I find some of the bigger forums seem to have militant groups that will happily abuse what you are doing wrong, without suggesting what you can do to make things better.

As Navarre says, we don't have all the answers, but will either do some reading from our textbooks, or browse the internet to find them, and if we fail, we will try to refer you to somewhere with the appropriate specialist help (see any thread relating to seahorses :D ).

Another major plus point is that we don't try to force our ideas and methods down your throat. We don't always agree, but respect each others right to an opinion, and hopefully can offer a variety of options. Of course this doesn't mean that we are not passionate about our hobby, and particularly the welfare of the fish. If you want advice on keeping sharks in the sink, look elsewhere.

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