Best Shrimp For Fry Tank


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
what shrimp do you think would be the best to put in my barebottom 15gal fry tank? I love the filter feeder shrimp, but this tank will have a very weak current and very small fry so i don't know if they will work.
Any suggestions?

thanks Mikaila31
You can try to feed using an eye dropper and crush flake directed at a filter shrimp.

Other than that, I'm unsure about amano, as they can eat bloodworm...
I'm planing on feeding the fry vinager eel, microworms,and grindal worms. Would a filter feeder shrimp eat any of those?
Cherry shrimp would be good for a fry tank, as long as the fry dont grow to the size that they can eat the cherry, they are easy to feed and do a good job of eating any left over food and cleaning up algae. They are quite adaptable to different water conditions, they would like and need a bit of cover, moss is good and a bit of wood for them to hide under. They look really good too when they are happy and in full colour, they would breed too if they were happy.
I had the same question, I was looking for a shrimp to go in my 10 gallon killi fry tank. So Cherry shrimp, are they harder to obtain than say amano because I dont think my LFS has any cherry shrimp.
I don’t know what country you are in, they are easy to get here in London UK, I know a guy on the site bought them online in the UK, aquaessentials UK site have them at times, there are other sites that sell them too, lots in the US, the LFS might order them for you, they are usually imported form the same countries as most of the fish in the shops.

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