Best Schooling Fish?


New Member
Jul 3, 2004
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Just looking to get some opinions on what would be the better schooling fish. Neon Tetras or Cardinal Tetras. I have always kept neons but I recently read that "They do not always shoal together as readily as some other species of tetras".

Also, I have read that since Cardinals like higher temperatures and lower pH that they would go better with my Discus.

Out of curiousity, has anyone noticed whether white clouds or zebras school better then the neons?


I don't think zebras gonna school with either neons or cardinals because zebras usually swim around in top part, and neons & cardinals swim in middle part.

That's what i heard. :p
if you want a shoaling/schooling fish to go with your discus, i recommend Rummy-nose tetras, Hemigrammus bleheri. They can stand the high temperatures and the low ph the disucs require.
Doggfather said:
if you want a shoaling/schooling fish to go with your discus, i recommend Rummy-nose tetras, Hemigrammus bleheri. They can stand the high temperatures and the low ph the disucs require.
I agree with Dogg. :nod:

Very tight schooling fish.

I'll take a closer look at those. (Though I like the look of the neons a bit more)

myfrint said:
I don't think zebras gonna school with either neons or cardinals because zebras usually swim around in top part, and neons & cardinals swim in middle part.

That's what i heard. :p
Danios swim everywhere, and like to chase each other they would be good schooling fish.
I'd recommend rummynoses as well. I actually went to the lfs to buy a school of cardinals for my discus and they were out of stock. I decided to go with the rummys and I am so glad that I did. Their colors are amazing once you get them settled in a tank and they school very tightly. :nod:

My Discus/Rummy tank also has one zebra danio who hitch-hiked in a bag with a betta. My "lfs" is two hours away and I had no where else to put the little guy. He schools with the rummys as if his nose were red :rolleyes:
>>> Those seem quite nice. Too bad they get so big!

Harlequin Rasbora for me too they are so good to watch, they swim together alot and chase each other.

Oh and they are right tarts when they find a mate...:huh:
Harlequins do schoal pretty tightly, at least compare to neons. I thought neons schoal, but they are all over the tank, fighting constantly between them! ;)
Cardinals don't really school tightly, they spread out, and seem to send out "scouts" from the main group. They will school tightly if threatened or when they all get together to play in the filter output, but then will spread back out. They stay mainly in the lower part of the tank, ime. They behave very much like neons. While they don't school tightly, they are very pretty nonetheless, like little jewels appearing here and there. The cardinals seem to be less sensitive than overbred neons. I really enjoy them.

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