Best Sand For Corys


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Near Leeds, W.Yorks
What is anybody's thoughts on the best sort of sand for corydoras. I've seen coral sand quoted as superb and also as too sharp etc for their barbels so where do you go? It's also very expensive for an experiment. I have also seen play sand quoted to be very suitable.
Any advice from out there?
I thought coral sand was for marine tanks? Not sure about using that.
I have brown silica sand which is not too fine for my liking but small enough for the cories to filter through their gills and shove their face in :D It's aslo a nice goldeny colour which goes well with the green plants I reckon, And its not too pale that poop is obvious: hope you don't mind me posting a pic to show you it :)
Coral sand should only be used in special tropical tanks,
like certain cichlid set ups and Marine tanks.

the best sand for cories is one that has a uniformed grain size and is smooth rather than rough
my personal choice(and my cories too) is pool filter sand.
Hi teddyman5 :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

I use ordinary play sand. It's inexpensive, easy to find, and is perfectly safe for corys. :D
I use some sand I buy at a LFS. Its just regular old sand and its not that expensive. I think its also a little bit cleaner for some reason. Ive actually used a different color and textured sand in my 55 gallon and I like it better. The cories burry their noses in both types of sand :thumbs:

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