I inherited some fish (2 barbs, 2 tetras and a 1 common pleco in early June)... I could go into extensive details but, the barbs and the pleco survived my care in my 5 gallon tank until October. I promptly replaced the dead pleco and lost 2 in a row (1 was a suicide, and the other was due to body fungus). I recently got a larger tank (its a 12 gallon) and I went with some natural plants. My 5 gallon tank has 2 rasboras and the original 2 barbs. I am fairly meticulous with water changes to keep things in check. I really fell in love with the plecos-they are so homely that they are beautiful.
Alot of the reading I have done says that an Ancistrus (Bristle nose or some corys) are good to have and don't get too big. It seems though they prefer different environments than what I could provide. Many corys like to be in groups of 4-6. Many prefer a neutral or slightly acidic pH and are nocturnal (they dont like bright lights that are found in a planted tank with artifical light.) Both of my tanks tend to have a pH of 7.5-7.6 and the other four fish are fine. I've read here that no salt should ever be added to the tank...Did I get that correct?
The bottom line: What kind of "pleco" would suit my situation. I probably will end up getting a larger 29 or 50 at some point, but I want to see how my planted tank works out.
Alot of the reading I have done says that an Ancistrus (Bristle nose or some corys) are good to have and don't get too big. It seems though they prefer different environments than what I could provide. Many corys like to be in groups of 4-6. Many prefer a neutral or slightly acidic pH and are nocturnal (they dont like bright lights that are found in a planted tank with artifical light.) Both of my tanks tend to have a pH of 7.5-7.6 and the other four fish are fine. I've read here that no salt should ever be added to the tank...Did I get that correct?
The bottom line: What kind of "pleco" would suit my situation. I probably will end up getting a larger 29 or 50 at some point, but I want to see how my planted tank works out.