Best Piece Of Coral


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
England, Manchester
Whats the best piece of coral you have ever seen?

I think one of the best that I have seen was an fluorescent green anchor coral at the fish shop in a display tank that was going for £60
If anyone has any pics then that would be great. There are some great peices that just make you go wow! :drool:
There was the most awsome piece of lr I'd ever seen and it had 4 Dark purple anemones on it. I don't know what they were but I wanted it so bad! of course the price was $400us dollars. But it was one of those things were you couldn't see the price tag becouse your eyes are glued to the coral.
Ok I've gotta say 3...

A purple elegance coral with green tips
A purple and silver rimmed with forest green centered acanthestrea lordhowensis (australian variety)
An orange tentacled torch with silver stripes down each tentacle. The thing looked almoast metallic, unbelievable

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