Fish Fanatic
Hey all, I've had trouble recently getting a fluke outbreak under control. I've used praziquental (37.5g/l) in food and directly to the tank but without sustained control. It seems to have an effect for a while when fed the food/treating the tank but wears off after a day, even when administered regularly . Flubendazole and levamisole hydrochloride may be my only other options. Water quality is pretty good across the tanks (0,0,~20-40). I do regular small water changes, 25% weekly all together. Behaviour changes include: The platies hanging around the heater, Odessa barbs have become far more skittish, generally slightly more lethargic, occasional scratching all fish. The female three spot gourami, which I'm certain introduced it, has very small pin like holes around gill plates. Every other three spot I've seen in NZ stores has the same issue, even the moonlights. Overall the fish look okay but could definitely be doing better, so symptoms have barely changed and only progress very slowly. To be fair it is likely that it probably isn't flukes (don't have the gear or the know how to test) but definitely something which includes symptoms of scratching. Has anyone else encountered this with some gouramis? One last thing I noticed was that after intense stress for the platies (after giving birth) some would sit on the bottom, lose buoyancy as their swim bladder is affected but quickly goes away after a day. Thank you in advance for any advice.