Best Lighting?


New Member
Oct 24, 2009
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I have a 100cm juwel tank and the fixed lighting is just 2 x ordinary light tubes which are about 900mm, I was told that I should get an iqautics blue actinic marine light and a marine white light for best colour results for my Malawi Cichlids but have now been told iqautics dont do them in 900mm.
Can anyone recommend a good brand of light and place to buy these please?
Thanks Steecy
I would be interested in hearing some views on this too.

I have three tubes in my tank. One blue, one white and one pink(ey).

The nicest looking is the blue and pink together. This really brings out the colours in the fish and they seem most active under these two lights combined. They also colour up nicely under the pink light. The white light on its own is terrible, but combined with either or both the others it adds a bit of brightness.

If its just one tube in the hood then I would go with a pink light, otherwise blue/pink combo, but this is purely on my own observations and dont know what "science" may be behind this to either back up my suggestion or blow it out the water!
Honestly, the best light is whatever you think makes them look best. I know, not a very helpful answer but the vast majority of cichlids couldn't care less and unless you are keeping plants I'd go with what looks good to your eyes. I've always found the "daylight" bulbs bring out their colors nicely.

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