Best (if any) type of algae eater with bichir


Mbuna lover
Apr 14, 2024
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Vineyard utah
My tanks getting some diatoms//brown algae type stuff , I know there’s lots of reasons it’s there and I’m on top of maint. Of the tank. I’m going to add more plants ,I also maybe have been thinking of getting an algae eater. Especially a pleco I know pleco aren’t good with bichir , is it really that bad if they share a tank? And if so what’s another type of algae eater other then snails I can put in there? My bichir aren’t very big yet so it could work if the algae eater can get a decent size
Never say "yet" about fish size, or next year, you'll have a problem that's harder to solve... This isn't a great hobby for short term scenario consideration.

When you keep fish like Bichirs, you're the tankmates. I don't think any algae eater is going to have a good life in with them, or a long life.

Usually, larger armoured plecos are okay algae eaters when they're small, but as they grow, they look for larger foods.
Actually the best algae eater for Bichirs are a large enough Pleco, that will actually be happy eating algae…. I wouldn’t typically recommend the common Pleco, as they get too large, but they do continue to eat algae after they get big… I have one that’s about 8 - 10 inches long in with my Bichir, and mine still does a great job keeping the acrylic tank spotless, even in the rounded corners…
I would stay away from the bushy’s… they are also great tank cleaners, but don’t get big enough, and you’ll have problems with your bichirs wanting to put them in their mouths later on…
There are lots of better looking pleco’s that will get big enough, to live with your bichirs, like the royals but most either don’t eat much algae, or eat other things as they get bigger…
Common pleco’s are poop machines, and at 18 inches, you may need a chainsaw, and they will require extra sized filters to support them…

If you currently have 3 bichirs in one tank, and wanted to add a common pleco, you’re going to need larger than a 75 gallon tank at some point, with a lot of filtration… but a common pleco would be a good tank mate…

You’ll need to buy one that is currently as big as your biggest bichir, and as these often outgrow most peoples tanks, you should try to adopt one that’s already big…. They get a bad rap, because they have become an invasive species, because they outgrow people’s tanks, and they dump them in lakes, rivers, or flush them down toilets, so I recommend you study a little, and don’t get one, unless you are as committed to it, and plan for it to live long, and grow huge, as much as you would be your bichirs

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