Best Hob Skimmer?


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX, USA
whats up all?

i've been looking into getting a new skimmer. i'm really in need of one. i recently moved everything over to my 55g and i'm still using my seaclone 120...bad bad i know.

i am looking for a better skimmer, but i do not have a sump, nor do i think i'll get one since i'm to afraid of water spilling. with that said i am looking for the best hang-on-back skimmer. i was thinking about the coralife 220g needle wheel skimmer or a AquaC Remora Pro with a rio 1400 or a mag 3. which would be a better option for a HOB or is there a better one? whats the best?

judging by your choices, I'd say you live in the States, and if so, the AquaC is prolly the best HOB skimmer out there today
Id try the coralife. I have heard decent reviews of it. Personally I hated my remora pro. The good thing with the remoras is that you can sell them off for 80%+ of what you got it for, they hold thier value well. So, if you don't end up liking it like me you can sell it off. There are plenty of people who do like them.
I'd go needle wheel myself.
yeah, ive heard quite a few bad reviews on the remoras, at the same time, quite good reviews. its a hit and miss, you either miss terribly or get a bullseye.

Coralife HOB, ive heard terrible things on it, leaking, flooding, lots of adjusting.

Go for a deltec, if you are willing to sacrifice some room in your tank, tunze.
hmm well i just found a good deal on a remora pro with a mag 3, the preskimmer box and baffle. so if i dont like it i gues i'll just sell it. i got everything for $142.50 USD. if it doesnt work out i guess i'll just get the deltec :)
I LOVE my Coralife HOB!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!

Never had a problem with it. Never let me down, never leaked, never stopped working, and it is the only filter besides my live rock for about a year. It makes maintenance easy and I can't say enough good thinks about it.
Heh, yeah all these good and bad reviews are exactly why one should know how their skimmer works. Often time, just a little tweak here or there can help with any/all problems.

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