Best Heating For Plants ?


New Member
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Buckden, Cambridgeshire

Im thinking of replacing my external filter with an eheim........I see that you can now buy ones that heat the water and one of my bugbears with my heating cable is that when I move plants etc the cable keeps coming off of the suction pads and I end up tyring to push bits of cable back down :blink:

I think though that the warmth of the cable is good for plants so are the plants better off with a cable ?

choices choices , an opinion would be appreciated

Juwel 240
fluval 305
aquagrit substrate
CO2 1bps 25ppm
3.2 wpg
NH3 5ppm
PO4 1ppm
gh 21
ph 7.2

cory sterbas x 8
siamese flying foxes x 5
lots of rosy barbs
apple snail
Get rid of the heater cable, they are pointless. Their effectiveness in helping plants grow is dubious at best and there is no evidence to suggest that they help in any way, shape, form, or anything (can you tell I think they aren't necessary?)

What external heater do you have? Why you switching to eheim? I take it that's an internal heater, jager is the eheim name for heaters isn't it?

BTW with a pH of 7.2 and a KH of 8 you'll only have 15ppm CO2, not 25ppm. If you want 25ppm CO2 you need to aim for a pH of 7 with a a KH of 8 :)

Get rid of the heater cable, they are pointless. Their effectiveness in helping plants grow is dubious at best and there is no evidence to suggest that they help in any way, shape, form, or anything (can you tell I think they aren't necessary?)

What external heater do you have? Why you switching to eheim? I take it that's an internal heater, jager is the eheim name for heaters isn't it?

BTW with a pH of 7.2 and a KH of 8 you'll only have 15ppm CO2, not 25ppm. If you want 25ppm CO2 you need to aim for a pH of 7 with a a KH of 8 :)


thanks Sam,

it wont take much to persuade me to get rid of the cable..................I have a fluval external filter and was looking to replace it with an eheim.................I had my eye on a 2128 thermo freshwater, it has an element in the bottom of the cannister and heats the water as it cycles through.

As for the levels I must have put the readings in wrong, Ive upped the bpm to see what happens. Ive had a devils job trying to get the balance right, just replaced a load of crypts with faster growing plants etc......................i remember a dim and distant past where my plants used to pearl..........sigh!!
Right I see, sorry was thinking you have an external heater, but you meant filter! :S its happening more and more these days :lol:

I have two eheim externals both are excellent.


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