Best Food For Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2005
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With the arrival of two new Dwarf Puffers, I've found myself with a large stock of frozen bloodworms (that's all my little female DP will eat). So I have to have a cube thawed out at all times, but bloodworms, when kept in the refrigerator, go bad after a while and a cube is more than my puffers can eat in a week. So lately, my two bettas have been fed on a diet solely of "fresh" (or as fresh as they get without being alive) bloodworms. Which, needless to say, they love. They'll take a worm straight from my tweezers with great ferocity. However, I'm wondering if this is good for them or if I should be feeding them bloodworms only as a supplement instead of staple like I have been doing, giving them them the usual betta food instead.


(P.S.--to clear any doubt, I am NOT keeping the bettas with the puffers!!!! :crazy: )
Lucky bettas!

Betta do love bloodworms but shouldn't be fed them all the time. Maybe every few days or every other day you could feed them BWs and then otherwise feed pellet foods. The protein content is BWs is very high and can be rich for bettas if they are constantly fed on them. Kinda like having steak for every meal.

Try getting two or so other betta pellet foods and alternate between them, and occaisionally a bloodworm or two. ;)
All my bettas are constantly conditioned with bloodworms (for the most part). I try to give a little variety and give them pellets here and there.. and they'll be getting grindals as soon as I manage to culture them.
My 3 bettas would probably be dead of starvation if I didn't start feeding them bloodworms. Some bettas won't touch pellets, like mine, and they are the tiny pellets. So sometimes you have no choice. I feed them very little and give them one day a week with no food. They are fine, but I keep an eye on them and give them peas sometimes.

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