With the arrival of two new Dwarf Puffers, I've found myself with a large stock of frozen bloodworms (that's all my little female DP will eat). So I have to have a cube thawed out at all times, but bloodworms, when kept in the refrigerator, go bad after a while and a cube is more than my puffers can eat in a week. So lately, my two bettas have been fed on a diet solely of "fresh" (or as fresh as they get without being alive) bloodworms. Which, needless to say, they love. They'll take a worm straight from my tweezers with great ferocity. However, I'm wondering if this is good for them or if I should be feeding them bloodworms only as a supplement instead of staple like I have been doing, giving them them the usual betta food instead.
(P.S.--to clear any doubt, I am NOT keeping the bettas with the puffers!!!!
(P.S.--to clear any doubt, I am NOT keeping the bettas with the puffers!!!!