Best Flake Fish Food?


New Member
Dec 4, 2005
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Just wondering what the best flake fish food is to feed tropicals?

Here's my fish list for my 55gal:-

1 x rainbow shark
3 x clown loach
1 x school 10 rummynose tetras
1 x school 5 neon tetras
1 x pleco (L134)
2 x swordtails

I'm intending feeding Aquarian (seems popular) flakes once a day, and maybe frozen brineshrimp or bloodworm once a week as a "treat".

Also if there's not enough leftovers/algae at the bottom for the pleco, Aquarian Cat Fish Pellets for him.

What do you guys think?
I really like the Omega-One products, my fish love them, and the ingrediants are awesome, here are the first few ingrediants of their freshwater flakes: whole salmon, halibut, black cod, whole herring, shrimp, krill. Now here are the ingrediants for the TetraMin Pro that I also have: fish meal, dried yeast, corn starch, shrimp meal, wheat gluten. Now which one sounds healthier? I also have their Shrimp pellets and freeze-dried bloodworms which my fish also love. Feeding them dry foods daily (try to avoid freeze-dried foods though, feed only as a treat) and then frozen/live foods a few times a week would work.
I use 4 brands of fish flakes in particular, i don't feed my fish that many flakes on average, prefer to give them freshly prepared, frozen or freezedried foods, but 2 particular types of fish falkes i have found to be very awesome- that is, "Vegetable" and "Colour" by TetraPro.
"Colour" by TetraPro is basically an energy and high protein rich type of oily flake for helping naturally bring out the natural colors in your fish, its ingredients are;

Fish and fish derivatves, cereals, vegetable protein extracts, yeasts, oils and fats, molluscs and crustaceans, derivatives of vegetable origin, milk and milk derivatives, algae, various sugars, minerals, lecithin, citric acid, carnitine(123mg/kg). Contains EEC permitted colourants and preservatives.
Typical analysis: protien 46.0%, oil 12.0%, fibre 3.0%, ash 11.0%, moisture 8.0%.
Added vitamins per kg: vitamin A 29 810 IU, vitamin D3 1 860 IU, vitamin E 200mg, L-ascorbyl-2-phosphate 610mg.

"Vegetable" by TetraPro contains pretty much the same as "Colour" but obviously much more vegetable based foods, they are both very good quality foods in comparison to many other flakes out there- this is a small flake food so plecs won't pay much interest in it...But there are many other things can you feed plecs like yours like de-shelled prawns and slices of fish, blanched cucumber and spinache and many more foods- it is in fact advised you try to feed your plecs fresh foods both vegetable and high protein based foods every now and then as it helps make sure they have enough vitamins and protein in their diets to grow healthily. The other types of fish falkes i use, but hardly at all, are King British fish flakes and AQUARIAN ones.
I use Ocean Nutrition's Formula One flake food. It is fish based and has a minimum of 54% protein. The cans always have some huge flakes in them and it's fun to watch the fish go for them. :lol:

The Omega-One flake sounds good too, and I'll have to look for it. :D
TetraMin and Aquarian products for me.

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