Best Fish


Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score

What are

a) The best community fish?


b) The best cichlids?

To keep peacefully please, obvioulsy in 2 seperate tanks
A) tetras(small) barbs (small) corydoras, livebearers (common), Plecos (but keep an eye on max sizes), danio's, angels (but may prey on smaller fish)

B) most if not all cichlids are aggressive. but if keeping malawis (very aggresive) keep them in a tank of their own.
new worlds id say a bolivian ram is the most placid closely followed by german blues and apistos
A) tetras(small) barbs (small) corydoras, livebearers (common), Plecos (but keep an eye on max sizes), danio's, angels (but may prey on smaller fish)

B) most if not all cichlids are aggressive. but if keeping malawis (very aggresive) keep them in a tank of their own.
new worlds id say a bolivian ram is the most placid closely followed by german blues and apistos
Angels will kill most livebearers. They also attacked my dwarf gouramis. They are poorly named, I can't think of a fish which acts less like an angel.

By best cichlid, do you mean for a cichlid community tank?
A) I guess tetras and cories are the best community fish tank. They are very peaceful and nice.

B) Yeah all cichilds are agressive.
most cichlids are aggresive, but their are exceptions, rams are generally quite peacfull as are angels (but you do have to be careful, if your tank is well planted or has lots of hiding places angels will be fine.
most cichlids are aggresive, but their are exceptions, rams are generally quite peacfull as are angels (but you do have to be careful, if your tank is well planted or has lots of hiding places angels will be fine.
No matter what planting you have, angels can chase other fish biting their fins until there is nothing left of it. I have one passive one which wouldn't even look aggressively at another fish. The aggressive one physically chased dwarf gouramis and guppies into the weeds biting them until there was nothing left of their tail, and though it's not the most densely planted tank, I would say that it depends entirely on the angel you get, they all seem to be different in temperment and personality.

I wouldn't risk it again. It's not worth the hassle in my opinion.
Hi there for chiclids the Nancarra anomala or Golden eye chiclid is an ideal fish i found it gets on with all species of community fish and the Agazzi dwarf chiclid are all right for a species or community tank
For the community tank variuos species of corydora would look good you can have a mix of any of them to go in your tank, various tetras would mix well with them.
Hope this helps

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