Best filtration for 55g


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
Oregon USA
I was very fortunate to have acquired a like new 4 ft. 55g tank for FREE! I just picked it up today, and found that it came with a Aqua Clear 300. Do I need anything else to go with this? I read a post a bit down and it seems most people were recommending a second filter, and I was looking at the Emperor 400 at the lfs, but I'm not sure if I need it?

Btw, I am going to be setting up a Mbuna tank.
that pump should be fine, I use an extra internal filter in all my tanks to get the water crystal clear. they need to be cleaned regularly but are worth it. either an extra internal filter or a powerhead with a canister.

Mbuna tanks tend to end up overstocked. If you are on a budget then just get a second A/C 300 for the other end of the tank. Together they should keep things under control.
I use an emporer400 and that on my 30 gallon for mbuna's. So i must agree with Cichlidaddict, a second filter would be wise :nod:

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