best cleaner


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2005
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iv heard otos a the best cleaning catfish and will probly go looking at the LFS in the next few days for some

if i cant find any otos, wat would you recomend?
Hi Matt,
That depends on the size of your tank and what fish you already have. Bristlenose plecs do a great job on algae but are not really recommended if the tank is less than 25 gallons. Pit bull plecs are also good and stay small, they look similar to the otto. Take a look on and see if you can find any others.

Hope this helps

Hi Matt

How big is your tank ? What fish do you currently keep ?
Keep in mind that most plecs are fairly big "poop machines" so make sure you have enough space for one to grow out. Bristlenoses do a fair job of tackling some algae, but also keep in mind that these fish will not "clean" your tank - just chomp on some algae now and again. And there are lots of plecs that aren't algae eaters at all and wont touch the stuff - they prefer a meaty diet of bloodworms etc.

Also remember that most catfish are nocturnal, so you'll hardly ever see them :)

Steer well clear from Common plecs, sailfin plecs or Chinese Algae Eaters.
Well it depends on what size tank you have. Personally I think the best cleaner is a common pleco, they're awesome.
Personally I think the best cleaner is the tank owner and some elbow grease and vigilance to maintain the tank.

That said, not everyone has a spare 1 - 2 feet for a common plec - H. punctatus: up to 12" (30cm), Liposarcus sp.: 16-20" (40-50cm) .....

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