Best catfish for malawi tank


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
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Hey guys, how's everyone doing. My question is simple. What catfish do you guys think is best suited for a malawi tank and how many is enough?

Tank description:

75 gallon
ph at 8.0
filtered by AC500/110 and AC300/70
holey rock covering all back wall about 3/4 of the way up
planned inhabitants (tank has just finished cycling): (4 from each species)

Copadichromis trewavasae (Mloto Likoma)
Copadichromis azureus(Haplochromis chrysonotus)

Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwan Reef)
Aulonocara stuartgranti (Usisya) (Flavescent Peacock)
Labidochromis caeruleus (Yellow Lab, Electric Yellow)

Any suggestions are appreciated. thanks...
Most of the synodontis species do well, in particular Eupterus, Multipunctatus and Petricola.

Common and Sailfin Plecs also work (as your tank is big enough), as do Bristlenose plecs if you fancy something smaller.

Sizes vary so difficult to advise on that, if you go for the large plecs, i'd just go with 1. With Syno's like the Eupterus, you could have 4 or 5 quite comfortably.

Nice combination of fish by the way, something a little bit different. :D
I keep 3 petricolas in my 50gallon malawi set up.I have a eupterus syno that,at 8 inches....I would keep no more than 1 in your 75g.(two max.....if you're lucky enough that they don't fight)HTH.
Thanks for the replies..

Ferris, just wondering why the combo I have chosen is a little bit different. I pretty much followed the cookie cutter malawi setup on I choose fish that were pleasing too me and then cross referenced it to what is available at armkes for the best prices, (I live in austin, so it is only a 45min trip).
As an experienced keeper of malawis I answered what I thought was best for catfish in malawi tanks.
I wish you good luck in whatever you decide to go with.
thanks chali, so you say you have an 8" eupterus. All the sites I have seen say a max of 6". You think three in a 75 is too much..?
I have 2 8inch Eupterus so they definately reach that size. I don't see a problem with 3 in a 75 gal, plenty of space.

I like your choice of fish because you've picked a couple of the less common species and made a nice blend. :D
I have ,maybe ,had a prob in the past by buying near full grown synos.......If you are getting them small to grow may not be an issue.
However I would still suggest petricolas..........They are sooooo lovely.
Totally agree on the size thing, i bought my 2 when they were juvies, about 1 inch long. They grew up together but i have heard of problems with adult Eupterus not liking each other.
Synodontis eurputus I read are a little territorial if you want one syno only then they are probally your best choice because they do well alone the only other option is the nigrita I think. Others should be kept in groups of at least three some say four, but it's agreed more is better or you may barely see them. Petricola are great being one of the best looking synodontis, smallest, and native to taangyika which features similar waters. Mine also eat anything and seem great at keeping the tank alittle cleaner.

I'd call your tank a little odd keeping haps, peacocks, and mbuna. Usualy it's best to seperate the types of malawi cichlids but mixing will work if done right.
2 Synodontis Eupterus 3"
2 Syno. Decorus 4"
3 Syno. Petricola 3"
1 Syno. multipunctatus 4"
1 Syno. Brichardi 5"
1 Syno. Schoutendeni 5"
1 Syno. Angelicus 8"
1 large pl*co and 1 large gibbiceps

Thats what catfish I have in my 100 uk gallon.
Keeping Malawi's is a good excuse to keep loads of Syno's.
vantgE said:
Usualy it's best to seperate the types of malawi cichlids but mixing will work if done right.

what is the right way to mix these?

My plan was to buy juvies 4 at a time within a span of 1-2 months. I have been reading many articles at cichlid-forum and have put together advice from each... All say peacocks are very peaceful and can be combined with peaceful haps, one article even giving Copadichromis and Protomelas as examples. I have also read that yellow labs can be kept with any non-aggressive malawi cichlid because they themselves are not aggressive. One article stated that in the wild, these cichlids are not considered intruders in other types of cichlids territories.

My goals in keeping cichlids are simple. I would like to provide an enviornment that is not stressful to the inhabitants so that they inturn can provide me and my family with a great looking aquarium. I appreciate all comments you guys have provided. If what I am trying to do is not wise, please let me know...


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