Best Betta


New Member
Apr 28, 2006
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Which Type of betta is best??? I think that the round tail betta is best. I don't really like the crown bettas they don't look that good.
Its a persons opinion whats best, some people love crowntails. But my personal fav is plain veiltails
There really is no 'best' betta, and barring a declaration of 'best', that only leaves us to declare our loyalties to one tail type or speices.
Personally, I prefer plakats. While bettas with larger fins may be more attractive, I feel that it puts undue stress on their bodies, and can be inhibitory to their quality of life since it often limits their swimming abilities. However, there is no true "best" betta; only personal opinions. All of the tail types are wonderful in their own unique way.
The best betta is frequently the one I cannot afford. :-(
Well, really i mean by the tail design. I don't like crown tails IMO though.
There is no best betta. it really is all in opinion.

I love all tail types. So just pick a betta you think is A) pretty and B) Healthy unless you are doing rescuing.

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