Best Aquabid I've Won Ever!


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
So I'm pretty new to this forum. . .

But I know a good friend on here and couldn't help but support her.

Here's the recent auction I won! :D


Thanks for letting me share :p
OHh you're soooooooooo lucky! I was wondering where he went. CONGRATS!
You do realize that doing that is against the rules on any auction site? Although alot of people do it, you really should't post it on open forum like could get her in trouble.
You do realize that doing that is against the rules on any auction site? Although alot of people do it, you really should't post it on open forum like could get her in trouble.

Didn't know that :*) but it's not like I didn't want the fish. That was my intial intendtions. . . but couldn't help but win the lil' guy - ya know?? :( Plus Synirr didn't even know i was biddng on the guy til laters.

Just read over the policy on aquabid - the only thing I see is that a seller can't bid on their own item to raise the price. And Synirr didn't - I did.
You do realize that doing that is against the rules on any auction site? Although alot of people do it, you really should't post it on open forum like could get her in trouble.

Didn't know that :*) but it's not like I didn't want the fish. That was my intial intendtions. . . but couldn't help but win the lil' guy - ya know?? :( Plus Synirr didn't even know i was biddng on the guy til laters.
Yeah. It's definitely not ethical to bid up auctions just to bid them up. However, you did want to win and only bid what you were willing to pay, so it's not really a big problem. Just try to think about the other guy next time...
Well, I say congrats to both of ya's! You got the fish you wanted, and Synirr got her first AB sell, it's a win win....except for the losing bidder :p
Sam deserves good friends. :D (May I call you Sam?) (I forgot does anyone call you Sam? :/ )
You do realize that doing that is against the rules on any auction site? Although alot of people do it, you really should't post it on open forum like could get her in trouble.

If she really wanted that fish it isn't really the same. I know what you mean though. I think she was just showing off the fish her friend bred? Not that she helped raise the bid?
I've never bought a betta from aquabid, but i've heard good things :thumbs:
Well, I'm wondering where I've seen that fish before? He's so familar. Wait, don't help me, it's on the tip of my tongue. Some chick in TX bred him. But I don't remember. I know I have fish from that TX chick, but I don't know, he could be just another plakat, but he looks soooo familar. :/
You do realize that doing that is against the rules on any auction site? Although alot of people do it, you really should't post it on open forum like could get her in trouble.

If she really wanted that fish it isn't really the same. I know what you mean though. I think she was just showing off the fish her friend bred? Not that she helped raise the bid?

I'm just really excited that I'm getting it at all. You know??

But my intendtions weren't to get her in trouble. . . just happy and wanted to show y'all what I won. :fun:

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