Best And Easiest Live Food To Feed Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2005
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What is the best and easy/simplest live food to fed bettas?
What type are easy and cheap for me to grow at home?
If you want to hatch it at home than brine shrimp are the best way to go. Not that I've ever been successful. If you don't mind the extra money The Bug Farm is great supplier and theirs always Aquabid. There're aren't a whole lot of live foods that are very safe and happily eaten by betta. brine shrimp, daphnia, wingless gnats, ect. are what they'd eat.
I don't think hatching out brine shrimp would be a good idea for adult bettas, since the babies are far too small for them to eat and raising them to adulthood is a pain in the you know what.

The absolute easiest live food, by far, has got to be springtails. They're little white bug thingies, and you culture them in moist potting soil. I feed mine on old flake fish food I'm not using anymore, and they multiply like mad!!! I can forget to feed them for two weeks or more and the soil in the culture will still be literally covered in them. My bettas don't really seem to like them as well as they do white or grindal worms (which are also good options), but for ease of care, they can't be beat :D

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