best algae eater for my tank


New Member
May 24, 2004
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hey everyone.

I have got a new tank ready for fish (24inch/15gallon).

i am going to have quite a few plants in it and a piece of wood and rock.

and i am going to need a good fish to keep the algae at bay and i need to know how many of a certain species i should have.

i had suggestions of.
pitball pleco
flying foxes.

i'm goin to have dwarf gouramis in the tank and corys. becaue some algae eaters like sucking the body of big fish.

thanks v.much.

ottos will do the best job of keeping the algae in checks. Especially in a planted tank. a group of 4 would be nice and would fit easily since they only get to about an inch.
Nina7777 said:
ottos will do the best job of keeping the algae in checks. Especially in a planted tank. a group of 4 would be nice and would fit easily since they only get to about an inch.
-_- as fish are now ready to be put into the tank. will the ottos be alrite becasue there isnt any algae or plants yet, i ahve got to order them. or sould i wait, if so how long?c
Otos can eat other things than algae. Most people add otos into an algaefied tank, let them clear it and then start feeding them prepared foods. They will eat plec tablets and veggies.

I would not recommend a bigger plec (other than otos, dwarf plecs) they are just too messy in anything less than 25-30galls IMO.
Nina7777 said:
IMO you should wait untill there is both algae and plants.
ok thn. do they eat bottom feader as i have tonnes of it for my two corys that are in their.
and if their veggies then will they eat cucumber. the banjo catfish does. lol
BirdofPray said:
Since it's on this subject, how many otto's would you recommend for a 12 gallon bowfront?
two would do fine for a 12 gal. If there is a good supply of algae they wont be long clearing it away. You could go to 3 but for that size tank 2 would handle it quite easily. HTH :)
ok thn. do they eat bottom feader as i have tonnes of it for my two corys that are in their.
and if their veggies then will they eat cucumber. the banjo catfish does. lol

yes they'll eat algae tablets, but for some reason IME they do better when there are live plants in the tank.
I have one oto and he has done a great job keeping my 10g clean. He does have spots he wont do. Certain plants and decorations he just wont clean, while others and the tank sides he cleans aggresively.

From what I have read, making sure they have enough to eat can be a problem if you have too many.. so I would recommend getting one and seeing if he does the job. If after a few weeks he is fat and there is still algae, perhaps try another.



note: There was a thread here

where some folks referenced some good info on otos.
Hya been reading you coments as i 2 and looking for an algae eater for my 60litre tank, i really wanted a plec but have been put of because iv been told they grow two big for my tank :unsure: what are Otto's? i have never come across these befor? do they live alone or in groups or are they not fussy?

Hya been reading you coments as i 2 and looking for an algae eater for my 60litre tank, i really wanted a plec but have been put of because iv been told they grow two big for my tank :unsure: what are Otto's? i have never come across these befor? do they live alone or in groups or are they not fussy?


Otos are a type of small catfish. They get to only a couple of inches, and suck on the side of the glass. As mentioned above they are good for eating algae. They can be a bit tricky to acclimatise though I hear. I've also heard of people having trouble getting them to eat food other than algae.

check out more here or have a look in the catfish section

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