Best Action For Bulging Eye On Fighter


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2010
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I will post a pic later but my female fighter "jules" has a bulging eye this morning, no wounds as I can see. What's the best corse of action for the eye.
Can't understand it in a tank with no other aggressive fish.
It'll be pop eye.

Not sure how it's caused or treated unfortunately (I've never had to deal with it) but I'm sure other people will come along and tell you. Good luck with her :)

I've always found Myxazin by Waterlife to be great for curing Pop Eye.

Pop Eye is usually a result of the fish suffering stress which leads to bacterial disease. It manifests itself in a variety of ways, such as fin rot, body rot, mouth fungus, pop eye among other things.

If you treat it promptly, there is a good recovery and survival rate.

Start by taking a sample of your tank water to check your stats, do an appropriate water change (but not too drastic in one go as that can shock a fish further if the PH levels change too much) and then begin medicating.

You should see a result in just a few days.

Can you think of any reason why Jules could be stressed? Are there tankmates? If so, what are they?

Regards, Athena
I hope I've done the best thing but I've isolated Jules in my treatment tank and used a treatment called general tonic which covers most conditions including pop eye. It turns the water illuminous green for about a week. I've used it before to treat finrot and it worked really well so fingers crossed.

I've always found Myxazin by Waterlife to be great for curing Pop Eye.

Pop Eye is usually a result of the fish suffering stress which leads to bacterial disease. It manifests itself in a variety of ways, such as fin rot, body rot, mouth fungus, pop eye among other things.

If you treat it promptly, there is a good recovery and survival rate.

Start by taking a sample of your tank water to check your stats, do an appropriate water change (but not too drastic in one go as that can shock a fish further if the PH levels change too much) and then begin medicating.

You should see a result in just a few days.

Can you think of any reason why Jules could be stressed? Are there tankmates? If so, what are they?

Regards, Athena

Hi Athena
Thanks for reply, I haven't ignored the treatment you suggested but I've already administered it now. The only other tankmates she has are another female betta and 5 neons in a 50 ltr tank water stats No3 = 10 No2 = 0 Amonia = 0 Ph = 7.5
Ok, well if you've used that med before and it worked well, then hopefully that will sort it.

Jules is the little heart-tail betta, yes? Did you end up putting her into one of the tanks with the males? Or did you keep her in a separate tank since getting her?

Also, how was her tank filter cycled? Since putting her in the tank, what testing/cleaning regime do you do?

Just trying to get to the bottom of what's caused this in your new fish as prevention is always better than cure, as they say LOL

Oops sorry I didn't see you wrote a reply to my earlier post!

Ok, the stress will be from being in a tank with all those other fish - especially another female betta. Females should only be kept in a soriarty (a group of 5 or more usually).

I wouldn't put her back in there after treatment as one or other of the bettas will only end up ill again, unfortunately. If you don't have another tank to set up for her, I would really recommend that you return one or other females to your LFS. The 50 litre probably isn't large enough to have a whole group of female bettas in (plus the neons) either, so that route probably isn't advisable, although you might want to double check over on the Betta forum for further opinions on that.

Regards, Athena
Oops sorry I didn't see you wrote a reply to my earlier post!

Ok, the stress will be from being in a tank with all those other fish - especially another female betta. Females should only be kept in a soriarty (a group of 5 or more usually).

I wouldn't put her back in there after treatment as one or other of the bettas will only end up ill again, unfortunately. If you don't have another tank to set up for her, I would really recommend that you return one or other females to your LFS. The 50 litre probably isn't large enough to have a whole group of female bettas in (plus the neons) either, so that route probably isn't advisable, although you might want to double check over on the Betta forum for further opinions on that.

Regards, Athena
Once again thanks for the advice
It's just a case of building up knowledge on the fish isn't it ?
You'll be glad to hear I do have enough tanks to keep all the bettas as long as on doesn't mind sharing with the fry I have ( the fry will be in a breeding trap obviously ).
So I'll give it a couple of days and see how she's doing.
And yes Jules is my Heart tail so I realy don't want to loose her :sad:
Thanks again
Hi Lee

Yes, Jules is a lovely looking betta, so that's great to hear you can accommodate her in another tank.

The tank with the fry in, is that all ok now? I know you had some problems before with stats didn't you?

Anyway, let us know in a few days how Jules is progressing.

Regards, Athena
Hi Lee

Yes, Jules is a lovely looking betta, so that's great to hear you can accommodate her in another tank.

The tank with the fry in, is that all ok now? I know you had some problems before with stats didn't you?

Anyway, let us know in a few days how Jules is progressing.

Regards, Athena
Hi Athena

Yes after following advice on here the fry tank is back on track now. Just got a new API testing kit today and results on fry tank are No2 = 0 No3=5 amonia = 0 ph 7.5 and in all the mess didn't loose 1 fry which is unreal as I kept transferring then from 1 tank to another but the problem definitely was caused by over feeding ( 4 times a day) and only cleaning the tank once a week. But you live and learn.

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