'bent' Guppies


New Member
Oct 27, 2006
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West Drayton, Middlesex
I have a couple of female guppies that are kind of mis-shaped. The seem to have developed a bend, or a kink along their bodies.
I also have one of the fry that as it grows is getting more and more 'bent'. It's almost boomorang shaped.

Any ideas what could cause this weird shape in these fish?

Is it just a freak thing like some human babies being deformed etc?

Has anyone else come across this before?

Thanks in advance

sounds like fish TB, report this post and ask a mod to move it to the emergencies section


Could it affect the other fish?

I have just moved some fry into my main tank where i have some sentimental fish i have had for ages: Clowns, Guormis, Red Tailed Black shark, Pleco, Rasbora and Bosmani
There are lots of info about euthanising fish. it basically come down to you puting the fish into freezing water
There are lots of info about euthanising fish. it basically come down to you puting the fish into freezing water

Would that be my best solution?

The fish have very distinct bent spines.

I would hate for it to spread to my others, or could it be too late?
Could others have caught it without showing symptoms yet?
There are lots of info about euthanising fish. it basically come down to you puting the fish into freezing water

Would that be my best solution?

The fish have very distinct bent spines.

I would hate for it to spread to my others, or could it be too late?
Could others have caught it without showing symptoms yet?

Just to be clear, are you saying that they have suddenly developed bent spines, or have been like that all along, over what time scale has this happened?
There are lots of info about euthanising fish. it basically come down to you puting the fish into freezing water

Would that be my best solution?

The fish have very distinct bent spines.

I would hate for it to spread to my others, or could it be too late?
Could others have caught it without showing symptoms yet?

Just to be clear, are you saying that they have suddenly developed bent spines, or have been like that all along, over what time scale has this happened?

I have an adult female that has developed her 'curve' over the last couple of months.
I also have a baby that i noticed was mis-shaped from very early, and as it grows it's becomming more noticable and seems to be bending more.

the baby is kinda boomorang shaped where-as the adult seem to have a 'S' shaped spine.
its not uncommon for female guppies to get bent backs as they age

So how would that explain the baby one which is now about 2/3 months only.

The female adult is an older fish, she's one of my original guppies that i bought from the fish shop, so hopefully it is just old age creeping in and nothing more serious.
some guppies can be born deformed i have had some in the past i am no expert but i think it is down to water quality i wouldn't worry to much about the younger one just will look abit ugly compaired to the rest. I have also had older female guppies have bent spine's from old age they don't live very long live's like some fish and can be quite old when you buy them.
I only asked , as I bought a lovely blue female, and she is huge, (for a Guppy) but also does have a bent spine (compared to my other Guppies). She delivered around 40 fry a few weeks ago, and is now in my main tank, swimming around happily. Bent spine in itself is not indicative of fish TB. There would be other symptoms.
its not uncommon for female guppies to get bent backs as they age

So how would that explain the baby one which is now about 2/3 months only.

The female adult is an older fish, she's one of my original guppies that i bought from the fish shop, so hopefully it is just old age creeping in and nothing more serious.

It doesn't explain the baby it explains the mother. As for the baby I have had a de-formed fry born in one of my tanks. Its a part a nature in most cases. Humans create flawed babies, dogs have runts, why should guppies be any different?
The last time that I saw the S shaped or broken back look on a guppy was when I was a child. I had a very large tank with nothing but unselected guppies in it and after a year or two of being allowed to breed without any culling, there were a few females that had that funny shape to them. I had to shut down the tank shortly after because we were moving to a new home so I never did follow through to see if the problem could be eliminated by selective culling of the misshapen females. I would definitely not allow them to breed now that I am a bit older, about 50 years, and understand how bad it can be to allow defectives to breed.
I had no disease in that tank and all of my fish were always quite robust and healthy so I doubt the disease explanation.

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