Bent Golden Gourami


New Member
Nov 10, 2021
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Hi Guys,

Im a little stuck as to what is causing my gourami to look like this, Ive had him for a couple of years and Just over the last 6 months he has Lost a little weight and started to bend.

Water parameters are as follows:

Nitrate : 25
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
PH: 7.0
KH: 5
Temperature: 25c/77f

I feed all my gouramis in the tank a mixture of Frozen Food including bloodworm, Daphnia, Artemia & Garlic.

Dried Food i feed Tetra Pro Colour Crisp, NT Labs Probiotic Pellets, Fish Science Insect pellets.

I do regular weekly water changes around 25-30% a week and monthly i clean out my external.

I tried several medications over the last couple of months and nothing seems to have helped.

Ive tried Worming meds, Myxazin, Protozin, Esha, all whilst adding Aqua salt.

Im at a loss as to what is wrong, Could it just be a genetic thing? Ive had a few Golden gouramis over the years suddenly get bent spines out of nowhere.

He is eating fine when he can get food, He isn't gasping or Sitting at the bottom of the tank, But when hovering in the middle of the tank its like he cant keep his body centred and goes into a bent shape.

Any help is appreciated :)

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Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Bent bodies in fish can be from old age, poor nutrition, poor water quality, disease, or a growth inside the fish.

Most of the fish look fine so water is unlikely to be the issue. Diet probably isn't the issue either. So it is either old age, disease, or the fish has a growth in its body.

The fish is losing weight around its head so there is possibly an issue with its digestion, or it could have intestinal worms or gill flukes. However, you have used deworming medications so that should have dealt with them.

It's most likely old age or poor quality genetics.

What does the fish's poop look like?
If it's white and stringy it could have an internal protozoan infection.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Bent bodies in fish can be from old age, poor nutrition, poor water quality, disease, or a growth inside the fish.

Most of the fish look fine so water is unlikely to be the issue. Diet probably isn't the issue either. So it is either old age, disease, or the fish has a growth in its body.

The fish is losing weight around its head so there is possibly an issue with its digestion, or it could have intestinal worms or gill flukes. However, you have used deworming medications so that should have dealt with them.

It's most likely old age or poor quality genetics.

What does the fish's poop look like?
If it's white and stringy it could have an internal protozoan infection.
Thank you for the reply :)
I managed to get a isolation box to put him in as the other gourami’s have been having a go at it. Below are a few pics ive taken, His eyes have sunken in since being like this. Im not convinced its TB but at the same time i have no idea what it can be, Im tempted to put him out of his misery, He looks so sad and when i come to the tank he just stares at me like he wants to be gone 😢

If the fish has stopped eating or can't swim properly, euthanise it because they don't get better from things like this. :(
If the fish has stopped eating or can't swim properly, euthanise it because they don't get better from things like this. :(
He is still eating, Just cant swim properly and spends most of the time struggling.

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