bent fry


New Member
Feb 5, 2004
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hey guys been watching my baby mollies and noticed one of them is bent, is this a genetic defect or coz the fish is not receiving enough light, this is what a friend told me :thumbs: is this true. all others seem to be fine
i have almost the same question!!

i have one platy fry (the biggest of the 7) who seems to have scoliosis...she definitely has an "s curve". i have read a little about fish TB and having bent spines. my fishie is very healthy and active otherwise...could it be something else?

sorry if this is hijacking...i was just about to start another thread, but i figured i could piggy-back on this one! :p
Ive had it before with one or two of my fry, it can some times just be a ginetic disorder. One of my friends adult danio aslo has a bent spine but seems to lead a normal life, it swims with a slight wiggle!! ;)
It could be anything from the genetic diorder, the fry are not getting enough nutrition, not enough light, or too fast of growth. Sometimes I've known that fry 'straighten' out over time of their growth. Some fry do and some don't. That's what the genetic disorder is and that I've heard that you need to kill them.
I also read somewhere on this forum that medication and too many fast water changes can cause deformities. I don't know if it's true, but I'd try to introduce changes to your tank as little or as gently as possible.
I've had a guppy fry that was born with a bent body and died a few days later. I also had a betta fry recently that was fine up to 4 weeks old then suddenly her spine bent and she's kind of an S shape now. She is healthy and feeds along with her sisters who are all perfectly straight so I really don't know what went wrong :dunno:

I'm not sure about killing them because they are bent but I guess if it is genetic then you don't really want them breeding and passing it on :(

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