Bent Dojo Loaches tail


Fish Crazy
Sep 18, 2022
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hey y'all!
I currently have 5 Golden Dojo Loaches in my 75gal tank. Three of them purchased from an lfs about 6 months ago and the other 2 from Petco about 1 month ago. My parameters are amon and nitrite are both 0 and nitrate is at 20. One of the one's from Petco was bent when I got him. Didn't really trip I figured it gave him character.
When I got home from work today, I fed them and he didn't respond right away, he just hung out at the bottom. Right after he ate he went back to the bottom and is still there. I looked closer and noticed that his tail looks weird and it is super red with a small bump on it. His gills look super red as well. I have attached some pics.
Can anyone tell me what's up with him? He's never spent this much time in one spot before. I added Prime and stress coat. But I have no idea what to do. I'm open to any suggestions and directions.
Please help me help my baby.
Thanks in advance!

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