Belonesox Pike


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Jan 25, 2009
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I bought 3 belonesox pike about 5 months ago. I recently lost my male. I would like to replace him, but I keep reading about the females eating the males and it makes me a little nervous. My 3 got along great. If I add another male, I am guessing it will be hard to find one of adult size. Is it realy that common for the females to eat the male? My 2 females are about 7inches. I dont want to pay $15 for a fish and it become fish food!
they will easily eat a fish half their size so find the biggest fish possible, or if you find a male, feed him on his own untill he's large enough.

When introducing the male, feed the female's and then add him. With 2 females it could be trouble. Males tend to live their life behind a female, this way he's unlikely to be food. but with 2 females their is always a chance the second female may mistake him for food.

So basically only keep 1 pair per tank. if the females dose not get feed for 4-5 days then remove the male as he'll be the next choice of food for her!!!
they will easily eat a fish half their size so find the biggest fish possible, or if you find a male, feed him on his own untill he's large enough.

When introducing the male, feed the female's and then add him. With 2 females it could be trouble. Males tend to live their life behind a female, this way he's unlikely to be food. but with 2 females their is always a chance the second female may mistake him for food.

So basically only keep 1 pair per tank. if the females dose not get feed for 4-5 days then remove the male as he'll be the next choice of food for her!!!

Thanks! I will keep an eye out for the largest male I can find. My male did always hang out behind my two girls. I never thought about why. That makes perfect since. Very interesting!

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