Belly Sliders?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2005
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I just recently branched off from my year of betta keeping. After a great deal of reading I bought 3 little girl platys. One did indeed come pregnant, and just recently delivered 3 little fry. If there are more, I can’t find them, but anyways, the three fry have been moved to a separate tank that I had already set up for them knowing that they most likely would come preggers and may have babies soon.

Now the trouble. They seem to have all turned into belly sliders. I have been feeding them a mixture of finely crushed flakes and liquid fry.

All the ammonia and such are spot on from tests, and there is a bubble air filter in the tank.

I do have the 5 gallon fry tank totally full, and read that perhaps it needs to be lowered to half? What else can I do to save these little ones? Is there are cure to the belly sliding? Or do they need to be…. Culled *gulps* … :( (I’m sure the bettas would be happy to help :( )

Anyways, thanks for your time and thoughts.
ive had the odd belly slider in betta fry, but have found that by upping the currant in the tank can help odd i know, but it does work, so ou could try that

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