Belated Fry Announcement..


New Member
Jun 9, 2006
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NW Ohio
On June 26th, I discovered that I had my first babies. I don't know which babies are whos as three of my females all decided to birth at once. I've no clue at the moment how many there are but I have been able to count at least 20 so far..they're staying hidden in the fry saver grass for the most part. I've left them in the main tank as frankly the adults don't seem the least interested in them. Now then then one of the girls will go chasing after a fry but they never catch it and really don't act like they were trying to catch it. I did remove three babies to a Nursery tank however. The first is a very tiny baby..a lot smaller than any of the others in te tank. The other two are siamese twins. All three of these babies came from the same dam, I know as I saw them being born. :good: The siamese twins had a bit of trouble swimming at first but seem to be doing okay so far. They're joined at the side of their bellies. I assume this is a rare fluke of nature? :look:

I'll be getting pictures soon once the babies aren't hiding so much.
I just did a water change in the 'Nursery' tank and all three kiddos are still alive and doing well. The twins were quite curious as to what I was doing and came out of hiding to get in my way. :lol:

I tried to get a picture of them. It's fuzzy but you can make them out somewhat. They're still smaller than the fry in the main tank but they are growing. I'm not expecting the twins to live far so good! :good:


  • TwinFry.jpg
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congrats. SWEET! I never got that b4 :D Very intreguing :D Thanx for sharing it with us :good:
if they make it you should sell them(at full size) for like $500 you could be a rich person! give them only the best care
I realize it's only been a few days, but how are the twins doing? Are your other fry doing well?
The twins are still alive and doing well. They're smaller than the fry in the main tank but I expected that. The main tank has a high temperature and I've read several places that fry housed with higher temps grow faster.
The fry in the main tank are rather bold and swim around all over the place, of course the fact that the adults don't pay them any mind :lol:

It's beginning to look like I have closer to 40 or 50 fry in the main tank not just 20. Now that they're quite a bit larger it's easy to see a ton more little heads peeking out of the fry grass at feeding times. They're starting to get their colors cute. :D
Conjoined livebearer fry are actualy quite common but they are still very interesting :thumbs: Unfortunately, I've yet to see any that survived - I hope yours do (and that's a lvoely pic BTW).

You probably could persuade someone to buy them (once mature) for a hefty (for a couple of ordinary guppies!) sum - but you wouldn't be rich lol

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