Being Patient


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
Have had my 70G converted from freshwater for about 8 weeks now.

Live rock is wonderful & a few corals via ebay- which look the business & seem very happy in the tank.

All parametres are spot on now, ammonia went up a bit @ first but back to normal.

Can I start to have fish in it now?

Looking for a Blenny to start
how much lr you have? you have a skimmer? all that stuff is kinda important to know, i think....before we start advising.
I think after cycling fish are the first things to be added as it is their waste which keeps the filter healthy. Corals should be the last thing on the list. I am interested to know what fish you are planning as I think possibly something other than a blenny would be a better 'pioneer' fish. Damsels, which incidently include clowns are a much hardier fish and cope with the immaturity of the aquarium much better.


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