beginning salt water aquirium


New Member
Oct 31, 2003
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St. paul, MN
those of you with salt water tanks. what did u start with when u first started? and is it hard to maintain the fishes? i'm thinking about getting a 10gallon saltwater tank with 4 clown fishes. i'll appreciate it if anyone can help me out.
I think you need a bigger tank

Salt aquariums need good and reliable filters

Just slowly add in the salt (not all at once)
You might get salt stains later (just wipe off with cloth)
:thumbs: Sorry to disappoint you.

Although marine aquarium had less maintenance compared to fresh aquarium types.

Sad to say that some of the fishes (Marine) are illegally caught by fishermen and traders in tropical seas and are sold in the United States of America or Europe.
You had to asked your pet stores about the fishes and where did they come from,and things like that...
LVT said:
those of you with salt water tanks. what did u start with when u first started? and is it hard to maintain the fishes? i'm thinking about getting a 10gallon saltwater tank with 4 clown fishes. i'll appreciate it if anyone can help me out.
A 29 is the minumum for 2 clownfish. a ten could barely hold 1. with marine you need to think big. a 55 or 75 (or bigger) gallon aquarium is realy the minumum if you want to keep even a small amount of fish.
those of you with salt water tanks. what did u start with when u first started?

Rather then me typing endlessly about requirements, it's easier to just send you somewhere to do the reading. First stop, WetWeb. Read, read, read.

And then read some more...

Not very fun, I know, but this is honestly the best thing to do. Read and research until your eyes cross. If you want to be successful, you can never have enough info.

i'm thinking about getting a 10gallon saltwater tank with 4 clown fishes.

Please rethink that. A tank of that size is way too small. Four clowns need much more space to live in to be healthy/happy.
10 gl saltwater? PLEASE DONT! it is way to small. not even big enough for one clown! small tanks are hard to keep stabalized. i wouldnt go any smaller than a 55 for marine. and Please dont get more than 2 clown fish because more than 2 will only cause problems. clown fish have no sex when born and when you put 2 in a tank one will become male and one female. the other 2 will become mail and will slowly be baggered to death buy the female and her chosen mate.
is it hard to maintain the fishes?

This really depends on the type of fish that you get. Are you planning on getting any other fish besides the clownfish?

Are you also going to get an anemone or any other invertebrates?

Clownfish will eat just about any frozen or flake food, but other fish and anemones can be very touchy.

Be sure to read up on any fish you're planning on purchasing, and space out additions.

Don't forget to cycle your tank!
Also, if you are planning on getting any corals, you will need an extensive lighting system (2-4 watts per gallon) in addition to good water circulation and filtration.

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