Beginner's question


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Illinois, USA
I have decided I want to add live plants to my tanks. I have an established 29G and 15G and then I have a 29G I was just about to start cycling (all set to go, full of water). The not-yet-stocked 29G and the 15G have red flint course sand--which is essentially small gravel (not really sand)--and the other(stocked) 29G has reguar old aquarium gravel. Here are my two questions:

1) If I want to go back and add actual plant-sustaining substrates (I was thinking a mixture of sand and either flourite or laterite, though suggestions are welcome), should I just drain out the 29G that has no fish in it and start from scratch?

2) What can I do about the established tanks? Can one add a good plant substrate without draining water? Will iron tabs work? I ask the question because sadly I already bought all my plants!

Thanks for your help.
i guess with an already established tank root tabs are a good option for planting... :) if your substrate is of the right kind then i guess it would not hurt much to just add the plants and place a few root tabs for the plants :) a planted tank needs more care in the lighting part :) its the first step, get good lighting, the substrate can wait :)

BTW if you have a cycled tank already and it is stocked to a certain degree of acceptance ( medium stocked ) you can drain all the water and start again provided you
1) keep your filter and medium wet
2) you recycle a bit of your gravel from the established tank
3) reuse your water from the established tank

it would result to the minimal death of the good bacteria in your filter medium :)

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