Beginners Aquarium


New Member
Jan 24, 2007
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I have been thinking about getting an aquarium for the past several months, I am still going to give myself till next fall before I open it up that way I can learn as much as possible and maybe start buying a few things along the way to help on sticker shock (starting maybe with the aquarium). I was thinking about a 75 gal. because I don't have room for anything too much bigger. I would like to put it at the back side of my kitchen cabinet that opens up into my living room so I would like an unobstructed view through it with out equipment hanging off, is this possible. Can all of the equipment be stored underneath? I live in a rural community and I thought I might go to a LPS in a town about a hour away and see if they install and set up aquariums when I get ready but I wanted to get some ideas first.
You don't need them to do it for you... just ask questions here... you could treat it like salt water tank and have a over flow box that has an inlet go down one of the sides you wont be able to see and have all your equipment under the tank.
yeah you can easily set up a sump underneath the tank to house all the equipment, this will also give you the advantage as a larger body of water is much mroe stable and can handle newbie mistakes much better than a small tank would.

or you could just go for one of the eheim external filters with a heater built in. you'd then only have the outlet and inlet on view and these can easily be hidden if your clever with your decor.

some essential beginner reading is fishless cycling, there's a pinned topic at the top of this forum so have a browse through that. it's IMO the safest and best way to set up a tank and prepare it for fish.

Thanks for the replys, Okay which kind of tank should I go with acrylic or glass, I've heard pros and cons on both? Will there be drilling that needs to be done or can tanks be bought pre-drilled? Any ideas on a good place to get tanks online in the U.S.? I'm also wondering should I start with a living-reef aquarium or would it be easier for me to just start with fish, live rock and fake corals etc.? Any other hints or ideas would be helpful.
On the Eheim filters what all equipment does it eliminate if I went this route? I was reading on another post that with a heater inside if one thing went out then you have lost both things. They suggested an inline heater. What do you think? I want to get good equipment, I feel buy the best you can afford and you won't wish you did later. Also what about a protein skimmer?
I didn't know you were planning on going marine... if that is the route you want to go then go to the Marine chat part of the forum... and yes , you can buy pre drilled tanks.
So does all my questions need to be asked over on the marine?
Thanks a bunch, sorry I got confused I saw 'Beginner Questions' failed to look at the heading 'Tropical Fish'. I'll post over there.

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