Beginner Question

S Herbert

New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Didn't know if i should post this here or in beginner questions, sorry if its in the wrong place.

I have noticed that in couple of fish shops i have been to and even in the london aquarium, that the water with angels and other SA cichlids has been a yellow/brown colour. Quite a distinct difference to the other cichlids and non cichlid tanks. I am setting up my 240L (63G) tank at the moment to house angels and rams and wondered about this water colour. Is it maybe the drift wood or plants used?I am just wondering if my tank will have to look like this or if it is something wrong in the tanks i have seen.

What your seeing is tannins (spelling?) from bogwood or as result of running the water through peat or something. This will soften the water and produce a more natural appearance, but its not required. You can use RO water to bring down the hardness of your water if required.
It isn't necessary but for many SA fish, this is their natural environment. Many people (me included) really like this look, especially in a tank with live plants. It comes down to personal preference really. As stated, there are other ways to lower pH and hardness. Be careful though and don't mess with pH unless you really need to. Using peat is generally considered a relatively safe way to do it and if you like the look it's one of the best ways.

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